Building and modifying Wrattler

How to run Wrattler via Docker(-compose)

NOTE: This is heavily outdated

Up-to-date TLDR: Install Docker and then run docker-compose build and docker-compose up in the main directory after cloning Use develop or master branch.

The easiest way to run Wrattler is using docker-compose on your local machine.

Install docker and docker-compose


Download the Docker installer from here and run.

Check it is working correctly by running docker run hello-world in a terminal.


sudo apt install
sudo apt install docker-compose


You can either download the .dmg from here and install from there, or you can use homebrew:

brew install docker docker-compose

Clone the wrattler repo

If you haven’t already cloned the wrattler github repository, do

git clone
cd wrattler
git checkout demo-mar-2019

Build and run the containers

From this base wrattler directory, run the commands:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

The client should be visible in your browser by typing localhost:8080 in the address bar.

Stop the containers

When you want to shut Wrattler down, run (again from the wrattler/ directory) the command docker-compose down

Some more stuff

If you get

ERROR: for wrattler_wrattler_client_1 Cannot create container for service wrattler_client: b’Drive has not been shared’

You need to share your drives in Docker settings (Windows)

But automatic reload does not work on Windows anyway: See and

As a workaround, you can use the docker-volume-watcher tool ( Just run pip install docker-windows-volume-watcher and then docker-volume-watcher and voila!!

To run Wrattler in Jupyterlab

  1. In wrattler/client, start up a client docker
  docker run -v <pathToWrattler>/wrattler/client:/app -it wrattler_wrattler_client
  docker run -v /Users/myong/Documents/workspace/wrattler/client:/app -it wrattler_wrattler_client
  1. In the runnin wrattler_wrattler_client, run the app/ script
    laptop-ati0014:client myong$ docker run -v /Users/myong/Documents/workspace/wrattler/client:/app -it wrattler_wrattler_client
    root@a16bb55766f5:/app# ./
  2. When building completes, there will be a message as follows:
Closing Fable daemon...
Done in 105.49s.
Yarn built - Thanks Nick!
root@2477249e82e9:/app# exit
  1. Copy the yarn-built build/wrattler-app.js into the client/public folder so that the client can serve it
    cp build/wrattler-app.js public/wrattler-app.js
  2. In wrattler/jupyterlab_wrattler, start jupyterlab environment
    conda activate jupyterlab-ext
  3. Build jupyterlab with wrattler mime renderer
    jlpm run build
    (jupyterlab-ext) laptop-ati0014:jupyterlab_wrattler myong$
  4. In a separate tab, start jupyterlab with wrattler
    jupyter lab --watch
    (jupyterlab-ext) laptop-ati0014:jupyterlab_wrattler myong$ jupyter lab --watch
  5. This will provide an address and token. Paste into browser
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